Frequently asked questions about Cred Coupon
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about Cred Coupon.
- Can I buy gift certificates with a credit card?
Cred Coupon accepts payment by VISA, MasterCard, and JCB credit cards.
We are currently in the process of making it possible to use American Express, Diners Club, and DISCOVER cards. Please wait a little longer.
- What is the maximum order amount?
The maximum amount you can order at one time is 300,000 yen.
The upper limit may change depending on the type of credit card you use and your usage history, so if you are having trouble making a payment, try lowering the order amount.
- Will the product I ordered arrive properly?
“Cred Coupon’s policy is to provide prompt and courteous service. Our basic rules are to ‘Send on the day of order’ and ‘deliver the service via email as quickly as possible.”